Tag Archives: MTA

DUBS Acoustic Filters Take You From “Say What?” to “I Hear That!”

I make my living with my ears so it would be foolish, and more than a little irresponsible, if I didn’t take care of them. The older I get, the more diligent I am in my efforts to prevent hearing loss.

Rock and Hip Hop concerts are out, so are clubs and large scale sporting events.  On the rare occasion that I attend one of the above I cram my ears full of uncomfortably bulky earplugs or big, honking wads of cotton.

Longtime listeners of the show know El Kaiser has worked extremely hard at eliminating bulk and the only “wad” he’s interested in would be the cash one he dreams of someday carrying in his pocket.

getdubs-case-pink@2xWhen a friend passed along some DUBS acoustic filters I scoffed. $25 dollars for ear plugs? Calling them “advanced tech ear plugs” read like a bunch of marketing hoo-hah.


Longtime listeners of the show know El Kaiser likes to save money and detests marketing hoo-hah. He also really, really likes scoffing.

DUBS claims to reduce volume without sacrificing the clarity of sound. The reusable earplugs feature something called “Dynamic Attenuation” that promises to deliver optimal hearing protection while preserving sound fidelity.


Doppler Labs are focused on developing products they’ve dubbed (pun intended) “hearables” — wearable technology for the ears and DUBS is their first product. They pledge that “whether you’re in the city, at a concert, on a plane or at the game, the DUBS protect your ears to keep you going louder, longer.”

By the way, did I mention these little suckers are very, very stylish?

Longtime listeners of the show know El Kaiser likes style almost as much as he likes saving money. Oh yes. Yes he does.

I tested the DUBS at a concert in New York City’s famed Madison Square Garden and on the infamous New York City subway. The DUBS performed exactly as advertised.

When the express trains rumbled through my regular station stop I used the snazzy pink DUBS ear plugs to help mitigate the thunderous clatter. The 12 decibal noise reduction made the commute bearable without the disconcerting muffled silence you get with traditional plugs or the ringing in the ears you get from turning up the volume way too loud on your media player.  At the concert the DUBS made the din bearable and several concertgoers complimented me on them.

getdubs-designed-differentWhile there are several cheaper alternatives to the $25 dollar DUBS from companies like Etymotic, Hearos and Earpeace none come close to matching the Doppler Labs ear plugs in design. The DUBS will keep your ears healthy without sacrificing your swag.

DUBS acoustic filters will be available for sale beginning September 27th, 2014 with an official launch at the Global Citizen Festival in NYC’s Central Park.  Best Buy retail stores will carry them in early October.

Longtime listeners of the show know El Kaiser believes Noise Induced Hearing Loss is a serious problem. Keep all your senses healthy!

Sorry Johnny T and the NFL, New York City Is PTJ Territory

Let me just set the record straight: Super Bowl 48 (I don’t do Roman Numerals) is NOT in New York City. The Giants and Jets abandoned us decades ago for Northern New Jersey and THAT is where the game will be played.  No dome.  No warm weather climate.  Just a New Jersey swamp.  I, of course, have christened this event the “Swamp Bowl”.  Let Bill Lumbergh break it down for us:


[BTW: I really dislike that whole blue shirt, white collar look. It’s so indecisive.  Pick a color and stick with it, dangit. ]

Now don’t go thinking I’m hating on the Garden State because I’m not.  Personally, I think New Jerseyans should be offended. The NFL’s massive marketing machine has gone out of its way and are pulling out all the stops to brand this as a New York event. Why all the heat for Jersey?  It has to sting a little if you live on the paying side of the George Washington Bridge.  Of course the game’s proximity to my beloved Big Apple ensures this side of bridge will be overrun with people looking for the sights, sounds, and experiences only the greatest city on the planet can offer.

This week on the show I discuss some of my favorite apps designed to help tourists get around and enjoy their time in New York City.

New York’s Metropolitan Transit Authority offers an app gallery at their  website with a variety of free and paid apps that will help you get around using mass transit.

If you need more practical tips for your trip to New York City, take a peep at this video from a puppet with almost as much attitude as El Kaiser:


PTJ 79: Welcome to Kaiser Town

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these podcasters from sharing their hi-jinks and shenanigans! Well, actually gloom of night might give us pause… This week J.D. gives us some helpful hints on how to prevent our children from making unapproved in-app purchases and Pedro tells us what apps to use to navigate and experience NYC like a native. In the news, Verizon buys Intel Media’s OnCue Internet-based television service; the Internet of Things gets hacked; the video game console war rages on; Hewlett-Packard brings back Windows 7; Samsung Galaxy S5 rumor mill picks up the pace; a comet chasing spacecraft wakes from a long nap; and The New Yorker magazine reminds us that there is still nothing quite like the power and reach of live over-the-air radio.