Tag Archives: Twitter

PTJ 368: “Quadio! Hie thee hither to Threads!”

On this episode of Pop Tech Jam, El Kaiser and J. D. discuss the potential impact of the current writers’ and actors’ strikes on the entertainment industry, as well as the emergence of Threads as a challenge to Twitter in the micro-blogging Thunderdome. And, ever the sonic connoisseur, El Kaiser also explores the modern-era revival of an old 1970s audio format: Quadrophonic surround sound. All this and more on Episode 368!

Links to Things We Mentioned

An Announcement From Pop Tech Jam

Howdy, Jammers! Our apologies for the extended silence and lack of snark these past several months! We deeply regret not being able to pine for the Artemis I launch, offer our deep analysis of Andor and Wednesday and, most importantly, warm our hands over the tire fire that is now Twitter. Life got in the way of our little podcast endeavor, but we are not running for the escape pods just yet. Pedro and I are planning a reboot and return of the show in January and look forward to continuing the discussion in the new year.

Everyone have a safe and sane holiday season!

— JD

PTJ 364: Yo! Can We Get a Little Help Here, Obi-Wan Kenobi?

June is here, and with it, the old-new adventures of a certain Jedi Master — and plenty of other fine programs to stream. El Kaiser and J.D. also mull recent tech news, and, for the audio-curious, El Kaiser discusses the digital audience interfaces he uses in his recording work. You can find it all here on PTJ 364!

PTJ 363: Bye, ’Pod

On this episode, El Kaiser and J.D. catch up after an unintentional hiatus to discuss current events — including Elon Musk’s fluctuating deal to buy Twitter, the rapid demise of CNN+ and Apple’s decision to retire the iPod after 21 years. Spin up PTJ 363 right here!

PTJ 361: Webb Slingers

As 2022 spins up, El Kaiser and J.D. check in on NASA’s big new fancy space telescope and other recent tech headlines. This week’s episode also features some thoughts on The Expanse and tips for adjusting your privacy settings in Android 12 and iOS 15. You can find it all here on PTJ 361!

PTJ 360: All Hailing Frequencies Open

El Kaiser and J.D. are back with a new episode and the opportunity to praise the work of Nichelle Nichols, the trailblazing actress who portrayed Lt. Uhura on the original Star Trek as she retires from public life. Also in the mix: a discussion of recent headlines, including Big Tech’s increasingly warm seat in front of government regulators, and El Kaiser takes a listen to a new pair of Bowers & Wilkins Bluetooth headphones. All this and more on PTJ Episode 360 !

PTJ 350: Red Rover

After a seven-month commute through space, NASA’s Perseverance rover is due to arrive on Mars next week! So, some science to go with our science-fiction television on this week’s episode, as El Kaiser shares his thoughts regarding later seasons of The Expanse on Amazon Prime and WandaVision on Disney+ . And J.D. has a smattering of tech news, including reports that Twitter is looking at subscription possibilities, along with resources on how to find out when you and your family can get the Covid-19 vaccine. It’s all here on PTJ 350!

PTJ 349: Now, Voyagers

As the last week of January rolls in, so do the Internet themes and memes — including TikTok’s flirtation with sea shanties and the cold-weather fashion of Senator Bernie Sanders. El Kaiser and J.D. ponder the latest Web whimsy, as well as Google and Apple’s fight against the ongoing problems of the world, other tech news and fun things to do with your smartphone’s camera. Hear it all on PTJ 349!

PTJ 348: Beer Me, Rosie

As 2021 starts off feeling like the surprise end-credit sequence to 2020, El Kaiser and J.D. discuss Twitter’s big move, the power of social-media companies and a little trade Vegas-based expo called the Consumer Electronics Show that’s having its first-ever all-virtual edition. All this, plus thoughts on “Wonder Woman 1984” and Apple’s beefy new over-the-ear headphones, right here on PTJ 348!