Tag Archives: tech

PTJ 323: Years and Years

As 2019 winds down, so does another decade of consumer technology. After a quick tour through recent headlines, El Kaiser and J.D. reflect on the highs and lows of the past 10 years in the world of gadgets and services. Come take a trip down geek memory lane here on PTJ 323!

Links to Stories in This Week’s News Segment

The Tech of the Decade

PTJ 162: Microsoft Doubles Down on Hardware

Back in the day, Microsoft was the elephant in the room. Apple was a cult favorite and Google was just a search engine. These days, Bill Gates’ pride and joy is the scrappy underdog and is doing all it can to stay relevant. To that end, the boys from Redmond unveiled a slew of products this week and that took aim squarely at behemoths Apple and Google. In a Hopefully Helpful Hint segment, J.D. explains how we can tweak privacy setting on Windows 10.

Have You Been Ghosted? You Know Who to Call

You date someone and suddenly they cut off  all contact. Texts are ignored, calls are unanswered. No explanation for the disappearing act. That poor confused, and propably angry soul, has just been “ghosted” and in this world, there are two types of people: ghosters and ghostees. El Kaiser explains how it is actually harder than ever to completely shut someone out of your life these days.

The iOS and Android have more in common than most people think. On this weeks episode, J.D. looks at the similarities between the two dominant mobile operating systems.

We also offer up a late summer hunk of tech news and shenanigans.

POP | TECH | JAM: Same as it ever was…

PTJ 133: Apple, Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That

The Apple Watch is here but the reaction has been tepid at best. J.D. and El Kaiser break down the goings-on at this week’s product announcement where the fruit-themed toy maker unveiled revamped Macbooks and a sweet deal for cable cord cutters.

Also on the show, Internet Explorer celebrates its 20th birthday but it appears Microsoft’s much maligned web browser will play second fiddle to a new browser from the boys in Redmond .

And yes we have a whole lotta tech news to drop on you!

PTJ 129: Everyone Loves a Parade

Where in the world is J.D. Biersdorfer? Everyone’s favorite geek-culture podcaster and technology columnist spent some time in New Orleans at the Krewe of Chewbacchus Mardi Gras parade but that didn’t stop her from bringing us all the tech news goodness you’ve come to expect from the PTJ team.

As if that weren’t enough, J.D. also found time to fill us in on how Google has muscled in on Doctor Who’s time-travel racket.

What about El Kaiser? He’s still trying to decide if J.D. is a hologram or not.

Why are you still reading this? Listen to the episode already!

PTJ 128: Chunky, Chunky News

This week’s show is crammed full of news but J.D. still found time to help us transfer files from our iOS and Android devices using a cable. Can’t be done you say? Well just take a listen and find out how, oh skeptical one.

Also on the show, the FCC finally makes a proposal on net neutrality and the telcos and cable companies aren’t going to like it.

The very busy government agency also found time to let the Marriott Hotel chain know just how it felt about the company’s plan to block block Wi-Fi hotspots and other external networks. Reddit gets transparent, NASA gets its allowance raised, and El Kaiser cracks wise.

Same as it ever was…

PTJ 127: The SnowBound Edition

Did you honestly think a few feet of snow would keep us from recording our shenanigans for your listening pleasure? Neither rain, sleet, snow, yadda, yadda. You know the rest…

On this episode J.D. gives us a rundown on last week’s big Microsoft announcement where they unveiled the Windows 10 Consumer Preview and their new Windows Holographic headset.

Of course we have a slew of the latest tech news and Pedro reviews the FiiO X3 high resolution digital music player.

PTJ 125: CES Wrapup and iRig Reviews

The annual electronics shindig in the Nevada desert comes to a close  and JD takes a look at what new products featured at CES 2015 brought us closer to a Star Trek. Also on the show, El Kaiser reviews new microphones and audio interfaces from IK Multimedia. Yes, we do discuss the latest tech news but we made this a shenanigans free episode.

Nah, just kidding! We couldn’t do that if we tried…

PTJ 124: Gamified For Your Listening Pleasure

It’s the first week of the new year so you know what that means! No silly, it’s CES 2015 and we’ve dedicated SEVEN HOURS of non-stop coverage on this week’s show!!!!!  All the vaporware and useless doodads you can handle on one endless episode…

Nah, we wouldn’t do that to you guys.

This week El Kaiser offers up his first Tech Term of the New Year and J.D. helps us avoid the flu with online options that can keep you from getting sick.

Oh yeah, and we talk about the goings on at that little party in the Nevada desert.